
Advanced Corporate Finance (Wharton FNCE 7030/2030)

The objective of these courses is to study the major decision-making areas of managerial finance and some selected topics in financial theory. We begin by reviewing theory and empirical evidence related to the investment and financing policies of the firm and attempt to develop decision-making ability in these areas using both lectures and cases. The material we cover serves as a complement and supplement to FNCE 6110/1000 by covering the following topics and applying them to real-world cases:

  1. estimating and using the cost of capital
  2. making investment decisions under uncertainty
  3. financial planning
  4. working capital management
  5. valuation
  6. capital structure
  7. leasing
  8. dividend policy
  9. options (real and financial)
  10. corporate reorganizations
  11. mergers and acquisitions
  12. buyouts

Please email me if you’d like a copy of the current syllabus.

Empirical Methods in Corporate Finance (Wharton FNCE 9260)

This is the PhD level methods course designed for students in their second year. In Spring of 2024, a group of 6 faculty led by Luke Taylor covered a variety of topics in modern empirical corporate finance topics. I cover weeks 2 and 3, which includes (week 2) panel data, difference-in-differences, (week 3) heterogeneity in DiD across cohort and across units, quantile regression, matching, semi-parametrics, and synthetic control. I’m always open to suggestions if there are methods resources to share with students that I’m not currently sharing.

week 2 slides from 2024
week 3 slides from 2024